Organic and Paid Social Media Marketing Campaigns

Social media channels are here to help brands grow socially and reach more number of users fast. A number of popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest already have huge influence in the area of convincing and converting customers. A strong presence on these as well as some newly emerging social networks will let you walk through customers directly. That’s what we are always best in; the social media specialists at CYBORGSEO will handle social media marketing for you

For any starter, organic social media marketing can work in building and adding connections but not as much as the paid social campaigns do. The process of just posting your content and sharing it on social won’t help the followers to find everything on time. In fact, this mindset has changed a lot now. The new thing in the question is how to target your relevant audience, build customer experience and drive them to make a quick purchase on site. Our paid social media campaigns will make way for this.

Whether you are interested in organic social media marketing or you want to kick start a paid social campaign, the social media specialists at CYBORGSEO are there to assist with each aspect of your social media marketing campaign —from setting up accounts to content creation/management, tracking and more.

What We Focus

• Facebook Paid Advertisement – You can pay to create and display ads on Facebook. It comes with micro-targeting options to help your message reach more audience based on location, demographics, behaviors and interests. Getting your service or product in front of the users will be fast and easy with it.
• LinkedIn Paid Advertising – There is no limit to budget if you want to start with LinkedIn advertisement. Irrespective of the size of your budget and duration you can run your LinkedIn ad campaign with us to increase registrations, traffic or brand visibility. We can help you create effective ads to cut competition and reach your audience straight way.
• Twitter Paid Advertising – When you decide to run a paid ad campaign on Twitter with us, you can expect to enjoy an extra stream of leads, conversions and revenue. Our experts will help you set up paid ad accounts with an ultimate objective of increasing the number of followers, leads and traffic.
• YouTube Paid Advertising – By putting online video ads on YouTube, you can not only reach idea customers but also make them click on it and even watch. And you don’t have to pay until the users show any kind of interest in your ad.
• Pinterest Paid Advertising – CPC model runs Pinterest’s paid advertising platform that asks you to pay only when someone clicks on your promoted pin.
• Instagram Paid Advertising – You can take part in a bid and win the highest amount to end up placing your Facebook ad on Instagram. It will help you target and engage more people in a specific age group you want.